Sak Yant Thai Traditional Tattoo | Phuket Patong | プーケットタトゥー
Sak Yant Thai Traditional Tattoo - Phuket Patong - プーケットタトゥー
Do you want to get Sak Yant Thai traditional Thai tattoo at Wake up Tattoo? プーケット日本人経営のタトゥーショップ。

We open NOW in Patong, Phuket at Wake up Tattoo Phuket
📍Please let us know the best date for you📍
(Because we don't stay at the shop every day, we can go there in 10 minutes)

【Hah Taew / 5 line】
[1] The first row prevents unjust punishment and leans in your favour when the area is grey, cleans out unwanted spirits and protects the place you live in.
[2] The second row reverses and protects against bad horoscope constellations and bad fortune.
[3] The third row protects you from the use of black magic and anyone who tries to put a curse on you.
[4] The fourth row energizes your good luck, success and fortune in your future ambitions and life style.
[5] The fifth row is to again charisma and attraction to the opposite sex. It also is a boost to the fourth row.
【Yant Gao Yord】
This Yant / Traditional Thai bamboo Tattoo is represented the nine holiness of Buddha ( Gao means nine), believed to protect the wearers from all dangers and weapons.
=We open NOW in Patong, Phuket=
📍Please let us know the best date for you📍
(Because we don't stay at the shop every day, we can go there in 10 minutes)
First of all, Please directly contact us by e-mail etc...
using the contact information below.
ID: @283tdgvm
084 878 5875 (Pu)
#Tattoo #thailand #tattoopatong #tattoophuket #patongtattoo #phukettattoo #sakyant #プーケット #タトゥー #ヘナタトゥー #刺青 #入れ墨 #プーケット旅行 #プーケット情報 #プーケット島